Welcome to VeteraNext! (pronounced “veteran next”, but we combined the two words – pretty clever huh?) As the name implies, this blog is all about preparing veterans to succeed after that glorious date known as EAS. More details below…

We regularly publish posts with advice on how to leverage your military experience to gain the best opportunities in the civilian sector.  What are we going to accomplish?

  • Tailor your military accomplishments and duties to give you a competitive edge
  • Get the most out of your VA education benefits
  • Fine-tune your military skill set with a college education
  • Combine your military and college experience to land the job of your dreams
  • Gain financial freedom

This is a very broad scope of just a few of the things we’re going to cover. If you’re still active duty, you’re not off the hook. In fact, there are a ton of things you should be doing from your first day of boot camp/basic training to pad your resume for college and job applications in the future.


I am just like you. I joined the Marine Corps after high school and served in the infantry. After multiple tours to Iraq and a lot of life experience gained, my four years were up and it was time to head back into the civilian world. I went to college, majored in finance, worked as an investment banker and currently work for a hedge fund.

I have been very fortunate to get where I am, and many of those opportunities would have never existed if I hadn’t learned to use my military background to my advantage. Unfortunately, I had to use the “learn as you go” method for most things, which was exciting at times and terrifying at others. My goal is to make sure that the process is much easier for you by sharing everything I learned along the way.


I would love to hear from you! If you have a question, comment, or just want to tell me your story, head over to the Contact Page for ways to get in touch. [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]